The other day I went out to do some job hunting - though I did not find a job, I did find a few other things. I have been looking high and low for a pie pan - which surprisingly are few and far between - and while I was out I discovered the Cookery Nook. Surely, I thought, this is the place for me! and I did find a pie pan - a little deeper then I am accustomed, and a little more expensive than I would have liked, but it was white with pretty rippled edges and I would be sure to use it I bought it.
As I headed home, I stopped at a near by out-door market to see if there were any deals. I found a great load of bananas for a smashing price - from a man that was yelling "ol dat der fo a poun!" (translated "all that there for a pound!"), how could I say no?
I walked home with my precious pie pan, and a load of bananas wondering what would I do with so many bananas...well make banana cake!... and lots of it!
well, I found you on this wonderful blog-how nice; I hope you narrate much "along the way". blessings
Hurray! I'd been hoping you would start a blog. We love you
YEEESSSS! you got one of these blogologolog things. FINALLY i can know what's going on in your life without having to communicate with you. my personal opinion---lots of pictures, few words. reading makes my head hurt. love you! ps. what do you want for christmas.
I just added you to my blog list! how 'bout we make a deal: for every new post you add to YOUR blog, I'll add a new one to mine : )
yay! I am so glad you all are out there.
Rachel - thats a pretty good deal... I am going to post lots and lots b/c I do love to read your blog (btw-I am looking for christmas crafts,any up your sleeve for this year?)
Mercy - you are not supposed to tell who your christmas person is, now all the fun is taken out of the surprise! ;)
Mercy is abandoning that long loved tradition, because she says everybody else tells who they have and she's feeling left out now! By the way, yay for a blog. I already love it! I think the only reason I blog is to keep up with the fam.
P.S. Post the bananca cake recipe, please!
well hey! look at you! yeah for an Abi blog!
Hey! this is papi. Who do I have for Christmas? Maybe I should ask your mum, Darcie. I read these things too.
haha popi's funny. all this talk of bananas makes me remember that my roomates and i had a million bananas going bad and so we made lots of banana bread and these AMAZING banana cookies that have cream cheese frosting in the middle and powdered sugar on the outside. HOLY COW! they were so good.(when i come home for christmas Gab, you're gonna make'em with me)
i dont understand this family. jeremiah tells me that it's better to get what you wnat for christmas rather than getting a surprise "i'm never gonna wear this or use this or like this" present...but i never said who my christmas person was anyway. think what you like Abi. i just need to know so that i can tell the person who really does have you.
nice try, Mercy...don't forget, I'm the coordinator this year, so if there are any concerns as to what people want, those should be directed to me....hurry home, Mercy, because I have bananas on my counter that need you!
Yes, we don't really do tin pie pans.. the English that is :) Just real pie plates... dishes.. nice and deep!
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