However come Thursday my bananas were just not ripe enough - It has taken me long enough to learn that if I go ahead a make the bread before those bananas are ripe I am ALWAYS disappointed.
I decided to wait a week.
Ha! now you know what I have in store for next week - finally I am ahead again!
Anyway, I decided to take some of the coconut that I had for the banana bread and make some scones mom and I made while she was here.
chocolate - coconut - almond scones. This recipe is also thanks to Joy the Baker and you can take a look here.
Here's the thing, I have always been very anti-chocolate in my breakfast. Never - ever would you catch me with chocolate chips in my pancakes, muffins, banana name it - it just never happened. And yet here I am make scones with chocolate chips...and would you believe I love them? I don't think that I have been converted to chocolate chips in my pancakes, but I think I am beginning to understand a little bit.
Absolutely delicious. and it makes more scones than my other recipe, which means that here we are on Sunday still enjoying them - grant it a little stale, but nothing a little warming up in the toaster and some butter can't cover up.
yes, I feel the same way about chocolate with my breakfast, but these scones are amazing; I will enjoy them from time to time-when I'm feeling like "eating outside my little box!"
hmmmm . . . sometimes I ONLY eat chocolate for breakfast.
also - - tell us where you got that cute little green pitcher; I'm guessing Italy? (or maybe the goodwill?)
All I can say is - I wish the cute little green pitcher where mine. but it belongs to a friend in England, and I am sure it has a fun story to go with it but I didn't think to ask. At least I got a picture of it.
the next best way to own a pitcher - - a picture
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