Have I mentioned this before?
I do really love the new year, there is something about having a set time to reflect and start fresh.
I generally don't make an exhaustive list of resolutions but I do try to pick one or two areas in my life I would like to focus on particularly.
A staple to my list every year seems to be remembering all the birthdays in my family...at least remember siblings birthdays I tell myself. It keeps being a resolution because be the time January is out I have missed about 3 or 4 already!
Well I have kept my list to 3 this year:
Keep an updated calendar -
contrary to what I may feel, they are not there just to look pretty, but to keep me organized.
Learn how to make a Danish pastry -
my mother-in-law gave me a sweet old Danish cook book to remind me it is good connect with my family history - my heritage as she puts it. and the one I am most excited about...
Memorize the book of Colossians -
I am doing it with 3 friends from church, we are using this bible memory scheme here where we memorize 2 verses a week over the course of the year. Want to join us? It would be fabulous if you did... even if you have to stop after a bit - even a small portion of scripture memory is valuable!
check out the site, they provide adorable memory cards you can print out to aid with the memorization. The cards are in NIV, which I think we may end up using the ESV translation instead - but the cards are so cute I may try to recreate them in the ESV.
*As you can see birthdays didn't make it to the list this year... I thought perhaps I needed to take the pressure off and see if keeping a calendar (resolution #1!) will naturally result in my remembering the birthdays of all my loved ones...*